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Sketch To Growth™️

Success Stories

Tripling Sickday Medical Housecall’s Patient Base and Revolutionizing In-Home Healthcare Delivery Systems

Client Partner Overview

Sickday Medical House Calls is a premier in-home medical care provider serving New York City. Their business model relies on charging patients per house call, with services delivered by contract-based, board-certified Physician Assistants (PAs). Sickday’s mission is to provide convenient, quality care to patients in the comfort of their own homes, but despite their vision, they faced several challenges in expanding their business and improving operational efficiency.

The Challenge

Sickday Medical House Calls was struggling with both sales and operational inefficiencies. While their service offered immense value, they were only acquiring 2.5 new patients per month. One of their primary operational challenges was maintaining patient satisfaction, which was being impacted by delays in PA arrivals and difficulties in managing real-time scheduling.

They sought Sketch To Growth’s expertise to help improve their sales and marketing efforts, while also optimizing their healthcare delivery services. Their biggest challenge was in creating an efficient and user-friendly way for patients to book and receive in-home healthcare services through their network of contract-based licensed Physician Assistants.

How We Helped

Sickday Medical connected with Sketch To Growth for comprehensive support in both technology and marketing. We provided:

Sketch To Growth’s Engagement Included:

Sketch To Growth designed and implemented a system to streamline Sickday’s operational processes using AI, systems automation, and mobile app technology. Our solution created an “uberized” approach to healthcare delivery, ensuring that the service was more accessible and efficient for both patients and PAs.

We also took the lead on revitalizing Sickday’s branding and marketing strategy, developing a multi-channel marketing plan that included branding, social media, and paid ads management to drive patient acquisition.

Major Actions Taken

In order to meet Sickday’s objectives, Sketch To Growth implemented several key initiatives to improve their operational efficiency and marketing effectiveness.

These actions formed the backbone of Sickday’s transformation, enabling them to streamline their operations while reaching more patients through improved marketing efforts.

To address Sickday’s operational challenges, Sketch To Growth developed and launched a mobile app that allowed patients to easily book appointments and make payments using Apple Pay or credit cards. The app also provided real-time updates on PA arrival times, helping reduce patient wait times and improve satisfaction. In addition, we designed an intelligent backend system that automatically managed PA assignments, ensuring that care was delivered efficiently while maintaining high quality standards.

On the marketing front, Sketch To Growth created a comprehensive strategy that included rebranding, social media management, and paid ads campaigns. The marketing plan was focused on driving patient acquisition by highlighting Sickday’s unique value proposition of offering reliable and patient-centered in-home healthcare services.

Results And Impact

The comprehensive strategy delivered by Sketch To Growth transformed Sickday Medical House Calls’ operations and marketing efforts, leading to significant growth and improved patient experiences. By creating an efficient, tech-driven healthcare delivery system and elevating Sickday’s marketing presence, we were able to drive measurable success across multiple areas of the business. 

Sickday tripled the number of new patients they acquired per week thanks to the newly implemented marketing and operational strategies. This surge in patient acquisition was driven by the combination of a revamped marketing plan and the new, more convenient booking process enabled by the mobile app.

The implementation of real-time updates through the mobile app and the more reliable PA assignment process led to a marked improvement in patient satisfaction. Patients could now receive care with minimal wait times and stay informed throughout the process.

The intelligent backend system increased PA assignment reliability, ensuring that the right PA was assigned at the right time, reducing scheduling errors and improving overall efficiency in service delivery.

With a more robust social media strategy in place, Sickday saw a 2.5x increase in engagement, helping them build a stronger presence online and attract more potential patients.

Our paid ads strategy proved to be highly effective, driving a 1.8x increase in ad conversion rates and significantly boosting Sickday’s patient acquisition efforts.

Where They Are Now

Sickday Medical House Calls is now well-positioned as the premier in-home healthcare provider in New York City. With an optimized booking system and a strong marketing strategy, they’ve established themselves as a leader in their field. As they continue to grow, Sickday is exploring expansion opportunities beyond NYC and considering potential venture backing and acquisitions to accelerate their development.

What's Next

While Sickday Medical is no longer actively working with Sketch To Growth, they continue to benefit from the systems and strategies we implemented. With a completed rebranding and an expanded service positioning, Sickday is set to pursue growth beyond New York City. Their focus remains on increasing market share, exploring strategic partnerships, and positioning themselves for potential acquisition opportunities.