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Sketch To Growth™️

Success Stories

Turning Vision into Value: The Rapid Development of OmniDantis with Sketch To Growth

Client Partner Overview

OmniDantis, founded by Ari Bushati, is a startup in the financial services industry with a disruptive new idea: a service connecting property investors with non-traditional lenders, such as private equity firms, family offices, and hard money lenders. Ari came to Sketch To Growth with the vision of launching this as a subscription-based SaaS platform but had no prior experience building a startup or taking an idea to market.

The Challenge

As a first-time founder, Ari had a game-changing concept but was unsure where to begin. Like many first-time founders, he faced uncertainty in navigating the steps to transform his idea into reality. He needed guidance on everything from documenting his concept, writing technical specifications, and hiring a development team, to preparing a go-to-market strategy, conducting customer discovery, and pitching to investors.

Ari’s challenges spanned across product development, team management, marketing strategy, and investor preparation. Without a clear roadmap, he risked losing time and resources, but he connected with Sketch To Growth to get the expertise and structure needed to move forward with confidence.

How We Helped

Sketch To Growth stepped in to provide Ari and Omnidantis with comprehensive guidance and hands-on expertise in the startup journey. Our involvement covered critical areas, including:

Sketch To Growth’s Engagement Included:

Every member of the Sketch To Growth team has founded startups, so we leveraged our experience to help Ari avoid common pitfalls and costly mistakes. We acted as advisors at each step, providing the practical knowledge needed to build a foundation for success.

We implemented our 10-5-3 strategy for MVP design, ensuring a structured and efficient development process. This approach focused on prioritizing core features, scaling down the complexity, and delivering an MVP that could enter the market within a tight timeframe.

Sketch To Growth managed the hiring and coordination of a full team of designers, database engineers, infrastructure experts, and software developers to bring OmniDantis’s platform to life.

We worked with Ari to develop the unique OmniDantis brand and helped strategize the platform’s launch, ensuring that both the product and brand were ready to make a strong market entry.

To validate OmniDantis as a dual-market product, we crafted a customer discovery strategy and input scoring system, allowing Ari to gather meaningful feedback from early target customers.

In collaboration with Beckett Industries, we prepared Ari for investor engagement by developing a pitch deck, offering pitch coaching, and providing introductions to relevant investors in our network.

Throughout the process, we offered ongoing coaching and advisory support, guiding Ari through critical decisions and ensuring he had the tools to succeed.

Major Actions Taken

Enabling Ari to realize his vision for OmniDantis was our main focus and priority - taking his journey personally. As such, Sketch To Growth executed several strategic initiatives:

We deployed our 10-5-3 strategy to streamline MVP design. This structured approach prioritized key features and minimized unnecessary complexity, enabling OmniDantis to launch a functional platform in less than six months. The MVP was completed under budget, which allowed Ari to allocate additional resources toward marketing.

We developed a dual-market customer discovery strategy that helped Ari gather actionable input from target customers and fine-tune the platform to meet their needs. The systemized approach to feedback collection ensured that the MVP addressed critical pain points for both property investors and lenders.

To prepare Ari for early-stage investor conversations, we designed a pitch deck and provided pitch coaching. We helped him navigate the friends and family rounds, as well as early-stage/pre-seed investor presentations, ensuring his pitches were clear, compelling, and focused on both the vision and the opportunity OmniDantis offered.

Results And Impact

Through its partnership with Sketch To Growth, OmniDantis quickly transformed from a concept into a fully developed, market-ready platform. By leveraging strategic guidance across product development, branding, and investor preparation, Ari Bushati was able to not only bring his vision to life but also position OmniDantis for long-term success. The rapid turnaround, combined with careful resource allocation and pitch preparation, allowed OmniDantis to make significant strides in both market traction and investor engagement.

We created the unique and professional brand identity of OmniDantis, which positioned the company to stand out in the competitive financial services space.

With Sketch To Growth’s guidance, OmniDantis successfully launched its MVP in less than six months and under budget. This rapid turnaround allowed Ari to shift his focus to marketing and customer acquisition with a product in hand, ready for proof of concept.

Through our venture preparation services in partnership with Beckett Industries, Ari was able to secure several promising conversations with investors, opening the door for further funding. The strategic introductions and pitch coaching provided by Sketch To Growth have positioned Ari for successful fundraising rounds.

As OmniDantis gained traction, new market opportunities began to present themselves. Ari’s strategy evolved as up-market opportunities emerged, and potential acquisition targets were identified, offering exciting growth paths for the business.

Where They Are Now

Today, Ari Bushati is actively promoting OmniDantis and engaging in promising conversations with both potential customers and investors. The platform’s unique value proposition has attracted interest from various stakeholders, and the strategy continues to evolve as OmniDantis explores up-market opportunities and potential acquisitions.


What's Next

Ari is now leading OmniDantis with the tools and expertise provided by Sketch To Growth. While he is taking charge of the next steps, Sketch To Growth continues to support OmniDantis as advisors, helping Ari navigate key challenges as they arise. With the introduction of a completed rebranding and expanded service positioning, OmniDantis is positioned for continued growth and investor engagement.